Under the slogan “Gender Equality Today, for a sustainable tomorrow”, IWD activities launches in Erbil
Story originally published on UN Women Iraq‘s website.

A ceremony was organized in Erbil to celebrate International Women's Day with the slogan “Gender equality today, for a sustainable tomorrow”. The event was attended by the prime minister Masrour Barzani where he mentioned in his speech “We are committed to combating violence against women, protecting women's rights and increasing women participation in leadership positions”. Dr. Khanzad Ahmed, head of the High council of women development, added that “It is a priority to protect women from all the kinds of violence as well as to strengthen their role in sustainable development to ensure providing better services to women in the KRI region. This will be done by strengthening the laws and amending necessary legislations on gender-based violence”. This event was done in partnership with UNFPA, UNAMI and the High Council of Women Development where participants included government officials, the international community, and women activists from the civil society.