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The project includes an assessment conducted by UN Women to analyze the pandemic's impact on healthcare, economic participation, social protection, education, and gender-based violence (GBV), with a specific focus on the governorates of Kebili and Kef.
La pandémie de COVID-19 a gravement affecté la Tunisie, nécessitant des ajustements sanitaires et économiques, dont l'impact sur les différentes régions reste à évaluer. La région de Kebili, avec son climat désertique et ses infrastructures limitées, a rencontré des défis uniques...
La pandémie de COVID-19 a posé des défis sans précédent à la Tunisie, obligeant le pays à ajuster ses mesures sanitaires et économiques. La région du Kef, en particulier, a été gravement touchée en raison de ses caractéristiques socio-économiques et géographiques, avec une infrastructure sanitaire limitée et des ressources financières insuffisantes, ce qui a exacerbé la vulnérabilité des populations marginalisées...
The war on Gaza has become one of the world’s most brutal man-made humanitarian crises. The war has directly impacted more than 2.2 million people, resulting in an unprecedented number of civilians killed, alongside overwhelming displacement.
Under the esteemed patronage of HRH Princess Basma bint Talal, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and in partnership with the The Royal Film Commission Jordan - RFC and with the artistic direction of Ghada Saba, filmmaker and TV presenter and the generous support of our partners, UN Women Jordan announced the 12th edition of the Women's Film Week. The brochure for the film week has information about the films that were screened at 6:00 p.m. and at 8:30 p.m. between Monday, 15 April 2023 and Saturday, 20 April 2024 at the Rainbow Theater in Jabal Amman.
The identification and documentation of good practices play a crucial role in knowledge sharing, learning, as well as improving interventions and policies related to decent work and productive employment.
In 2023, UN Women continued to champion the empowerment of vulnerable women in Jordan through the transformative OASIS Model. This initiative, supported by the European Union's Regional Trust Fund 'Madad', has been pivotal in advancing gender equality and women's rights.
UN Women developed these Guidelines in partnership with a range of key stakeholders, including the Government, Women’s Empowerment Principles signatories from the private sector, the Jordanian National Commission for Women, civil society, associations of employers and employees and development partners.
As the war on Gaza reached its six-month mark, it continues to be a war on women. According to UN Women estimates, more than 10,000 women have been killed to date, among them an estimated 6,000 women who left 19,000 orphan children behind.
UN Women has been documenting the experiences of women in Gaza in a series of gender alerts that look at various aspects of how the war is impacting the daily lives of women and girls, including food, water, shelter, health, and protection. This new alert focuses on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services, which are integral to women’s health, dignity, safety, and privacy.
The UN Women Regional Office for the Arab States (ROAS) new gender-responsive marketing toolkit is an innovative tool designed to guide marketers and businesses in crafting advertising and marketing strategies that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. The toolkit provides access to practical tools, strategies, ideas and examples to challenge stereotypes, and successfully create messages that are inclusive, respectful and empowering.
Taghreed Al-Issa's journey of transformation began in 2013 when she moved from war-torn Syria to Jordan, settling in Al-Muwaqqar, a village southeast of Amman. Drawn by affordable rent, Taghreed's life took a significant turn when she joined a sewing course at the Muwaqqar Oasis Centre, part of a broader initiative aimed at empowering vulnerable women in Jordan.
The objective of the study is to inform a gender-responsive humanitarian response that ensures equal access to essential services, prioritizes the safety and protection of women and girls, and addresses the unique needs of the impacted population in the affected areas.
This document provides an overview of the situation in Gaza and articulates UN Women’s work as part of its six-month multisectoral response to the crisis.
Women Political Participation in Tunisia: The 2022-2023 Legislative Elections is a study that aims to document the experience of female candidates in the 2022-2023 elections and examine the obstacles they encountered during this electoral process.
Étude sur « Les mécanismes de la protection des droits des femmes et des jeunes filles » Dans les gouvernorats de : Siliana, Kairouan, Mahdia et Bizerte
Gender gaps are widening across all continents and sectors, including agriculture. Although rural women are productive members of their families and societies, their voices are always marginalized: they are not involved in decision-making related to family life, community issues, money, or business. This analytical paper was prepared by UN Women Lebanon. It aims to examine the extent to which the Lebanese legislation and policy frameworks take into account gender diversity and women’s equitable and safe economic participation in the agricultural sector and the agro-food industries.
Jordan and Sudan are climate hotspots. Climate change and topography combine with socio-economicpolitical processes to increase vulnerability to droughts and floods in both sites, with increasing frequency, magnitude, severity and adverse societal impacts.
Following the escalation of hostilities after the 7 October 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, UN Women is responding in line with its humanitarian strategy, its long-standing work in Palestine on humanitarian assistance and women, peace, and security, and the UN and partner Flash Appeal launched on 6 November 2023.
The Regional Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group for Arab States/Middle East and North Africa (RGiHA – AS/MENA) is committed to ensuring that gender equality is at the core of humanitarian responses in the region.