Areas of work and programmes - Jordan

Normative and Policy Frameworks
UN Women Jordan provides a coherent programme of institutional capacity development to key government stakeholders (the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation [MOPIC], the Ministry of Social Development [MOSD], the Jordanian National Commission for Women [JNCW]) on mainstreaming gender equality and women’s empowerment into policy adoption and implementation and monitoring of global commitments. UN Women links institutional capacity development to the promotion of social norms, attitudes and behaviors supportive of gender equality and empowerment of women and girls. This will be done through multi stakeholder initiatives and innovative interventions convening women’s organizations, including grassroots organizations, government and international partners. UN Women will also support the Department of Statistics and MOPIC to collect data and develop analysis against gender-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators. In addition, UN Women sustains the empowerment of national women’s organizations and networks; support women to participate in policy-making processes; promote policies for increasing women’s political participation; and improve positive public perceptions of women’s leadership and participation in policy making.
Featured programme: From Principle to Practice: understanding stereotypes that discriminate against women and pave the way for policy reform
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Women’s economic empowerment
UN Women works with the Government of Jordan and institutional bodies, private sector representatives, academia, think tanks, as well as key civil society organizations, to develop research on key policy issues hindering women’s active engagement in the economy as well as to identify opportunities for increased participation of women in selected economic sectors with growth potential in line with the investment priorities of the government. UN Women provides integrated policy support and technical expertise to government stakeholders on relevant primary and secondary legislation, strategies and policies in order to create an enabling environment for women’s improved access to income security and decent work. In addition, UN Women supports innovative partnerships and platforms with private sector, civil society and government to deliver trainings for women in non-traditional technical and vocational sectors and in skills relevant to the global digital economy. This work builds on examples of previous successful partnerships with the private sector to implement the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and support job placements for young women. In rural areas, UN Women will adapt its “Buy from women” platform to link women’s small businesses to buyers and wholesalers, improve women’s price negotiation and widen their markets.
Humanitarian Action
UN Women opened its first “Oasis” in the Za’atari refugee camp in 2012 focused on establishing a safe space for refugee women and girls to access emergency aid. The Oasis model has evolved over the years and is now a center for building women’s resilience and empowerment through access to multi-sectoral services. The Oases have been recognized as a highly successful model, conceptualized around three building blocks:
1) Secure livelihoods opportunities provided via “cash for work” (a general term for a programme offering short-term employment opportunities to refugees and host country nationals) that graduates into work permit employment opportunities or microbusinesses in camp settings;
2) Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention, protection and awareness raising services;
3) Remedial education, leadership and civic engagement initiatives for women, while also engaging men on gender equality and women’s empowerment social issues.
Within this framework, UN Women operates four Centers in two refugee camps in Jordan, providing 405 daily cash-for-work opportunities and with 400 children benefitting from childcare services. In addition, an average of 75 refugees are provided with counselling and protection referrals monthly. With the generous support of the Governments of Australia, Finland, France, Iceland, Italy and Japan and the UN Women National Committees, UN Women supports 12,000 direct and indirect beneficiaries yearly.
Featured programme: Strengthening the Resilience of Syrian Women, Girls and Host Communities
Women, Peace and Security
With the generous support of the Government of Finland, UN Women provides technical assistance to the government and civil society organizations to implement the commitments in the Jordan’s National Action Plan (JONAP) on UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. This includes support to the establishment and strengthening of the coordination mechanism to ensure it has the needed functional and thematic expertise to finance, implement and monitor the action plan. In addition, the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund continues to offer an important source of funding to women’s grassroots civil society organizations working on implementation of the JONAP. Building on its existing partnerships with the Jordanian Police and the Jordanian Armed Forces, UN Women supports national efforts to mainstream gender in ongoing security sector reform initiatives. UN Women also provides technical expertise on gender-responsive justice services and awareness raising among women of their legal rights and how to access the justice system and seek redress for violence.
Featured programme: Jordan National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325