Call for proposals: Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access & Protection in Crisis Response (LEAP) – Yemen
Submission deadline: 17 January 2021
To support the achievement of the project’s intended outcomes, UN Women is looking for partnerships with 2/3 NGOs to deliver on holding consultations with women leaders and youth groups on their priorities for humanitarian response. Provide capacity building for women and youth CSOs to address the needs, problems and challenges they face within their communities including issues that refugee, IDP’s and returnees are facing and provide dialogue spaces for peace co-existence including organizing awareness raising activities around peacebuilding and peaceful coexistence themes. Activities under this partnership will need to reach and support displaced women and women from marginalized communities affected by the conflict and/or experiencing the detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reference number: CFP/YEM/2021/01
Contact information
Contact person name: Anas Salameh
E-mail address: and
Telephone (including country code): +962799750340