Call for proposals: Strengthening the capacities of women candidates, elected women, and women leaders in CSO’s as well as women and men in senior governmental positions on WPS and women's role in peacebuilding and conflict resolution


Reference number: CFP/IRQ /2022/4

UN Women is looking to partner with an NGO to support women leaders and gender champions and empower them to lead on WPS and INAP II implementation through capacity building and technical support. This will be done through the below output and activities:

Output: Women leaders and gender champions have increased knowledge and skills to meaningfully participate in the implementation of the INAP II.


  • Sensitize women and men in leadership positions - on WPS and women's role in peacebuilding and conflict resolution.
  • Strengthen skills of women leaders and elected women on leadership, negotiation, conflict management and advocacy.
  • Provide technical support to women members in peacekeeping and peacebuilding committees for drafting 6 WPS related advocacy and policy papers.


Submission deadline: 2022/06/14

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