In the Words of Rahma Kahif: A Tale of Libyan Empowerment

As Rahma Kahif recounts her life experience, an inspiring success story emerges – pointing to the effective role Libyan women can play in society. Rahma's journey began at the age of seven when she and her mother attended an event organized by the Libyan Girl Scout Movement. "Since then,” declares Rahma, “everything that Scouts represent in terms of values and traditions has become an integral part of my life."
By age twenty-three, Rahma had worked diligently to become a leader of a Girl Guides Scouts group. This was her first step towards fulfilling her dream of positively impacting the lives of girls in Tobruk. "Since then, I knew that I wanted to contribute to developing and guiding girls towards a bright future," Rahma says.
But Rahma’s ambitions didn't stop there. She soon discovered that her passion for photography held a special place in her life. She honed her photographic skills through training courses to the point of becoming capable of conducting such training sessions herself. "It wasn't easy, but I faced the challenge with confidence,” she now recounts. “I became only the second female photographer working solo and specializing in capturing women's events in my city." says Rahma with a smile. As a result of expanding her clientele and achieving remarkable success in her community, Tobruk now boasts more than 25 female photographers. Photography also provided Rahma with the financial independence and opportunities for growth in the field, expanding her photography to the medical field as well as advertising and large projects.
Rahma faced many objections in her traditional community, but she did not give up. Instead, she defied the odds with courage and determination. "I wanted to prove to myself and to the community that Libyan women are capable of more," Rahma asserts with determination. In addition to photography and Girl Scouts, Rahma has recently become a specialist in physical therapy. For her, this profession reflects her compassionate nature, drawing her towards humanitarian work that brings her closer to people.
During the floods that hit the city of Derna in September 2023, the Scouts in Tobruk were among the first responders to provide assistance to those severely impacted. "We were there, hand in hand, to help those in need. Nothing stopped us from providing support to the affected," says Rahma. The female Scouts in Tobruk gathered to sort and collect necessities, such as clothes, food, and equipment to address this humanitarian disaster.
"Today, Libyan women have an effective role and are making a real contribution to building society, even in current municipal elections. Women must be included as employees in election administration and be encouraged as candidates before voters to ensure equal opportunities," Rahma argues, expressing her vision for the future. "Let us continue to empower women and allow them to shine in every field. They are essential partners in building the future Libya," concludes Rahma with optimism.
Rahma advises Libyan women to join the Scouts' movement because of its benefits in education and empowering women in their influential advocacy roles in society.
Rahma's story highlights the importance of #Investinginwomen both financially and in skills, as well as setting dreams and will and trumpeting against the odds. Hers is a story that can inspire many women and girls, reminding us that strong determination and collective investment is key to success in any field.