Training Manual on Case Management and Psychosocial Support for Women Survivors of Violence

Training Manual on Case Management and Psychosocial Support for Women Survivors of Violence

This training manual aims to build the capacity of service providers on case management and psychosocial support to women and girls’ survivors of violence or exposed to its risk. This manual offers a detailed guideline for the quality principles and necessary skills that service providers can refer to and adopt to effectively respond to women’s and girl’s needs, develop safety intervention plans and refer them to essential services providers (legal, medical, psychosocial support) given the crucial role of case managers and service providers.

This training manual was developed under “Ending Violence against Women and Girls” programme, implemented by UN Women Egypt in partnership with the National Council for Women, Ministry of Social Solidarity, and in coordination with various partners from civil society and the private sector, with the generous support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Arab States/North Africa Egypt
UN Women office publishing: Arab States/North Africa Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages