“Justice for me is living free and as a human being" - An Analytical Study of Access to Justice for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence case of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

Access to Justice for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Cases of Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon

The aim of the study is to understand the pathways that Syrian refugee women utilise to access justice for SGBV cases in Lebanon, both in the state legal and judicial system (formal) and within community-based mechanisms (informal). Focus is given to unpacking the informal justice landscape for Syrian refugee communities, given the limited concrete documentation of community-based dispute resolutions and related practices specifically for SGBV issues. The report suggests short-term and long-term interven­tions to improve justice mechanisms in Lebanon and includes recommendations for humanitarian and de­velopment stakeholders to mitigate risks and maximise positive outcomes for survivors seeking justice.

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Research papers
UN Women office publishing: Arab States/North Africa Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages