Guidance Note on Gender Responsive Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Pushkar Sharma, MPA

The Guidance Note, produced through funding by the Government of Japan, includes practical tools and detailed recommendations to help stakeholders roll out high quality and gender-responsive CVA interventions.

CVA can bolster women’s social protection and can serve as an entry point to deliver multisectoral and/or complementary programming that contribute to economic opportunities, build resilience, empowerment, as well as prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV). Gender-responsive CVA can provide a pathway for financial inclusion and independence for women to break down the “leverage of dependency”. Within the CVA spectrum of interventions, cash for work (CfW) programmes can support women’s social and financial empowerment.

CfW can be part of a powerful empowerment model when it is delivered through a holistic approach, combined with education, skills trainings, civic engagement, and protection referral services.

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Bibliographic information

UN Women office publishing: Palestine Country Office
Publication year
Number of pages