Policy Papers on key Gender Thematic Areas by the Arab States CSOs and Feminists Network


These policy papers are developed within the framework of the Beijing+25 Review and the Generation Equality Forum. Given the pluralistic nature of the Arab region, and in view of UN Women’s commitment to participation and inclusivity, a series of policy papers on four gender thematic areas were prepared by the Arab States CSOs and Feminists Network to amplify the voice of civil society and feminist organizations and push forward the gender equality agenda.

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  • Ending Gender-based Violence in the Arab Region

Arabic | English

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Arab Region

Arabic | English

  • Women, Peace and Security in the Arab Region

Arabic | English

  • Women’s Economic Justice and Rights in the Arab Region

Arabic | English

Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Arab States/North Africa
Resource type(s): Policy papers
Publication year