Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on The Access of Women Victims and Survivors of Violence to Justice and Security Services in Palestine

UN Women Palestine

Women’s access to justice is a fundamental element of the rule of law, gender justice and good governance, together with the independence, impartiality, integrity and credibility of the judiciary. It is a basic human right and a means of implementation of other human rights. CEDAW General Recommendation No. 30 on Women in Conflict Prevention, Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations (CEDAW GR 30) and General Recommendation No. 33 on Women’s Access to Justice (CEDAW GR 33) emphasize that justice delivery must respond to the needs of women to enhance their access to justice, by mainly being justiciable, available, accessible, and provide responsive services, in addition to accountability of justice systems and remedies for victims.

In this brief UN Women within the Sawasya II programme provides a set of recommendations on how to ensure that perpetrators of violence against women are held accountable, and victims’ right to protection, remedy and reparation is maintained. 

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Geographic coverage: Palestine, State of
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