Gender, Masculinities and Violent Extremism in North Africa: a Research Agenda

With support from the UK Government, UN Women Regional Office for the Arab States has been working since 2017 to deliver better evidence through quality research on gender equality, masculinities and violent extremism in North Africa to inform regional and global policy-making on the prevention of violent extremism (PVE) and Women, Peace and Security. These efforts have raised awareness and built capacity in North Africa and beyond on gender dimensions of preventing and countering violent extremism (PVE/CVE). The locally-led research– the first and largest of its scope and size globally on the question of gender and PVE - has shed light on the link between gender and violent extremism. This relationship is based on hyper-masculinity and misogynistic attitudes toward women as well as with the acceptance and normalization of violence against women and girls. This page serves as a platform for the different publications created under the project.