Bahrain UNCT Gender Theme Group 2024 Annual report

In 2023, the Bahrain United Nations Country Team (UNCT) established for the first time a Gender Theme Group (GTG), with the aim of strengthening collective results for gender equality and women’s empowerment in Bahrain. In line with the United Nation Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) Standards and Procedures, the Bahrain GTG was established to facilitate inter- agency, gender-responsive, programmatic, technical and policy advice to the UNCT at all stages of the United Nation Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) cycle.
In its second year of operations, the GTG has laid solid foundations for advancing gender equality through the UNCT’s joint work. The GTG has focused on collaboration, strengthening UNCT capacities to build strategic planning and stronger inter- agency coordination, and more robust gender mainstreaming efforts across the UNCT’s work in Bahrain. Consequently, the Bahrain UNCT is well-positioned to implement the UN Gender Equality Acceleration Plan and its key measures to advance country-level UN accountability for gender mainstreaming.