UN Women Calls for Urgent Action to Address the Needs of Crisis-Affected Women and Girls in Lebanon


[Press release]

Lebanon, 1 October 2024. The recent escalation of hostilities has engulfed women and girls in Lebanon in another deadly conflict.

According to the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health, between 8 October 2023 and 1 October 2024, a total of 1,575 people have lost their lives, including 297 women. Overall, there have been 10,835 casualties, of whom 2,110 women. As of 30 September, one million have been displaced, including an estimated 520,000 women and girls who are desperately seeking protection for themselves and their families. UN Women estimates that nearly 12,000 of these families are headed by women. 

As in every war, women and girls will be disproportionately impacted.  According to a recent study by UN Women, women in crisis settings face escalating mental and physical health risks. In 2023, about 612 million women and girls lived within 50 kilometers of at least one of 170 armed conflicts, an increase of 41% since 2015.

Women and girls in Lebanon are in need for basic protection, shelter, food, health, and cash assistance. Those experiencing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination based on their age, geography, nationality, are at heightened risk of gender-based violence, which limits their rights in both private and public spheres. This is compounded by limited access to national evacuation plans that ensures their safety, dignity, and well-being.

“In Lebanon, women and women headed households’ pre-conflict were already more food insecure, struggled to meet basic needs and draw their livelihoods from participation in the labour market compared to men -headed households. As the security situation deteriorates, and more women-headed households sadly emerge, the country must focus on the security and humanitarian needs of women and girls, protecting them from violence and exploitation”, said UN Women Representative in Lebanon, Gielan Elmessiri.

UN Women’s wants to draw attention to the urgent need for the humanitarian community to:

  • Protect and uphold the rights of women and girls affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
  • Prioritise support for the most at-risk groups, including women-headed households, widows, women with disabilities and older women, ensuring that their needs and priorities are addressed equitably.
  • Increase support for women-led organizations, recognizing their crucial role at the grassroots level in addressing women’s rights and needs.
  • Ensure women’s active participation in decision-making processes related to humanitarian response planning, implementation, and monitoring.

For more information on the Gender Alert, please go to https://lebanon.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2024/09/gender-alert-when-crises-strike-gender-inequalities-are-often-exacerbated-the-urgent-needs-of-crisis-affected-women-and-girls-in-lebanon

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