Empowered through Education: Aisha's Oasis Impact


Author: Bashar Al-Ja’bari

Empowered through Education: Aisha's Oasis Impact
Photo: UN Women/Michele Pasquale

Aisha Al-Hamad, a 37-year-old Syrian woman and mother of five daughters, has a diverse professional background. Previously, she worked as a facilitator at a centre in the camp for students with special needs. Additionally, she served as a literacy education teacher at the UN Women Oasis centre, generously funded by the European Union through the Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the Madad Fund, showcasing her commitment to education and empowerment.

Arriving in Jordan in 2013, Aisha found a sense of security in her new environment. Her journey with the Oasis centre began when she heard about it through friends, encouraging her to apply. Aisha loved being in the centre as it’s a place for women only, which makes her more comfortable.

Aisha's experience at the centre went very smoothly, devoid of challenges or problems. She viewed it as a great opportunity, benefiting personally by developing various skills and professionally by contributing to the income of her family during that period.

Reflecting on the impact she made, Aisha expressed, "On a personal level, I developed many skills, and on a professional level, I am happy that the women at the centre could benefit from my skills, and that I could make a change." The connections she formed during this time extended beyond professional collaborations, resulting in numerous friendships.

Encouraging other women to embrace learning, Aisha shared, "Many of the women I met here were shy and not so outgoing, especially that some of them couldn’t read and write. I encouraged them to be more proactive and work on themselves, as it’s okay not to know how to do something, what’s not okay is to keep on not knowing and not learning."

Aisha's positive experience led her to recommend the Oasis centre to many women she knows, witnessing the transformative impact it had on individuals. Looking toward the future, Aisha dreams of living abroad to ensure quality medical treatment for her family, who face various health challenges. Her aspirations also include achieving professional success and maintaining a stable income to support her family, especially considering her husband's health constraints in finding employment easily.