Famous Actor Kerem Bürsin became the first National HeForShe Advocate for Turkey

Known as a profeminist and an advocate for gender equality, the famous actor Kerem Bürsin is announced as the new and first national HeForShe Advocate for Turkey. UN Women’s solidarity movement HeForShe aims for the advancement of gender equality through inviting everyone to become the change agents for gender equality, especially men and boys. The announcement was made at a launching event in Istanbul, gathering press and young HeForShe activists and partners on December 10, Human Rights Day, and the last day of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence campaign.
“As men, we should walk hand in hand with women towards our goal of achieving gender equality. We need to eliminate gender stereotypes and harmful masculinities, and unite to achieve an equal future for all women and girls. Our duty as men and boys are first, to be aware of the privileges that come with being a man, second, to question these privileges and transform them. Being nominated as a HeForShe Advocate in the wake of COVID-19, a pandemic that is exacerbating gender inequalities, makes me proud and assigns me a very important responsibility,” said Kerem Bürsin at the event.
HeForShe offers an innovative and inclusive approach to mobilizing men as partners with women in challenging gender inequalities. Kerem Bürsin became the first National Advocate of HeForShe Movement in Turkey, which is supported by famous figures such as Matt Damon, Usain Bolt, and Kiefer Sutherland from around the world of art and sports, as well as heads of states and hundreds of private sector leaders.
At the launching event, UN Women Turkey Country Director Asya Varbanova emphasized the importance of the partnership with Kerem Bürsin “Gender equality can only be achieved if men and boys take full responsibility, working side by side with women and girls. Kerem Bursin’s strong voice and influence will help us to take a step closer on our path to a more equal and fairer world. As HeForShe Advocate, we hope that he will inspire and encourage many more men and boys to take action and make a positive contribution to advance gender equality.”
Kerem Bürsin first supported the HeForShe movement in 2015, at the HeForShe launch in Turkey. He was one of the artists took part in the HeForShe launch video. Since then, he has been supporting the HeForShe movement in Turkey. He has previously kicked off the HeForShe social media campaign #IDo and galvanized his followers towards acting against gender inequalities. In November, Kerem Bürsin has also actively promoted the launch of UN Women’s Awake Not Sleeping collection of 28 fairy tales that promote gender equality.
Together with HeForShe, Kerem Bürsin will raise awareness about gender roles, gender-based stereotypes and harmful masculinities. As the HeForShe Advocate, the actor aims to amplify the message of HeForShe and contribute to transforming harmful masculinities. Under this collaboration, HeForShe and Kerem Bürsin will implement several activities such as HeForShe talks at universities and conversations on manhood and toxic masculinity on different digital platforms.