Syrian women in Brussels to bring their case for humanitarian aid and peace in the region


Where: Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU, Square de Meeus 30, Brussels)

When: on Tuesday, April 24 at 18:00 (CEST) Media interviews from 17.00-17.45.

What: A group of international agencies are to host a ‘side event’ at which ten Syrian women will be presenting their different individual perspectives on the conflict – now in its eighth year. Some of them will be available for media interviews.

The ‘side event’ will take the form of a discussion between Syrian women and policy makers, which will be moderated by Lina Sinjab, a Syrian journalist and Middle East correspondent for the BBC.

The Syrian women involved in the panel discussions are:

Mariah Alabdeh – “Women Now for Development”

Kholoud Mansour – “Syrian Women’s Political Movement” 

Hivin Kako – “Maram Foundation”

Ravda Nur – “RandaNur Foundation”  

Rouba Mhaissen – “Sawa for Development and Aid” 

Oula Ramadan – “Badael”

Amany Qaddour – “Syria Relief and Development”

Zozan Alosh – Co-chair of Development and Humanitarian Affairs (SDC) 

Ghada Rifai – “Moubadiroun”

Ruham Hawash – “Citizens for Syria”

Also at the ‘side event’ will be:

  • E. Pierre Bou Assi, Minister of Social Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs, Lebanon
  • Ambassador Mara Marinaki, Principal Adviser on Gender and the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace & Security, European External Action Service
  • Staffan DeMistura, Special Envoy to Syria, UN
  • E. Annika Söder, State Secretary to Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden
  • E. Marianne Hagen, Deputy Minister, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
  • Omar Alghabra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada
  • PanosMoumtzis, Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis
  • Yannick Glemarec, Deputy Executive Director, Policy and Programme, UN Women
  • Laura Londén, Deputy Executive Director,  Management, UNFPA
  • Ambassador Niklas Kebbon, Special Envoy for the Syria Crisis, Government of Sweden

For more information, please contact Oxfam office in Brussels or contact Caroline Jacobsson at mobile number: +32.498-760607; email:

Notes for Editors

Please confirm your participation to Munira Nasser [].

One-to-one media interviews with the women will be available 24 April from 17.00-17.45. Please register your interest in advance to

Photos of the women speakers are also available to download.

Representatives from the organizations hosting will also be available for interview.  

The organizations inviting the Syrian women are the European Union, UN Women, UNFPA, Kvinna till Kvinna, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, CARE International and Oxfam.

Event’s hashtag: #SyrianWomen