How to get started with Gender Responsive Procurement

Globally women-owned businesses only access 1% of procurement opportunities, and one of the goals of the FPI programme is to help women access more opportunities in the UAE. Therefore, UN Women is facilitating training to procurement practitioners in the business community to get to know more about the Gender Responsive Procurement #GRP and what it makes business sense. 

In this 60-minute session we have looked at:

1. Why Gender Responsive Procurement matters and why it makes business sense
2. Understanding and finding women-led enterprises 
3. Strategies that work (strategic sourcing, supplier development and preferential criteria) 
4. Using data to track GRP progress 
5. Embedding GRP throughout the organization 


For more information about GRP we are happy to share the following Resources: 1. Procurement’s strategic value: Why gender-responsive procurement makes business sense: 2. Rethinking gender-responsive procurement: Enabling an ecosystem for women’s economic empowerment: 3. The UN Women gender and economics training manual: 4. Empowering women through public procurement and enabling inclusive growth: