Evaluation and the SDGs - Arabic subtitles

[Click on the closed captions (CC) button to see Arabic subtitles]Human rights, social justice and gender equality approaches are at the forefront of the Global Evaluation Agenda. Evaluation, and in particular gender-responsive evaluation, has a critical role to play in ensuring the inclusion of those traditionally marginalized and discriminated against. In this vein, the UN Women Independent Evaluation Office is working to strengthen gender-responsive evaluation within the UN System and at the national level. How can YOU get involved? Become an advocate for gender-responsive evaluation in your organization. Read Transform, a one-of-a-kind magazine on gender-responsive evaluations. Join the discussion online with EvalGender+ and its community of practice, and follow us on Twitter at @unwomenEval. The SDGs present a great challenge to the evaluation community, but also a unique opportunity to make gender equality a reality. Join us!