JP Work4Women Learning Document and Companion Brief

The identification and documentation of good practices play a crucial role in knowledge sharing, learning, as well as improving interventions and policies related to decent work and productive employment. To this end, the UN Women Regional Office of Arab States developed this Regional Learning Document in close consultation with partners, to capture the good practices, learnings and scalable approaches implemented by the UN Women-ILO Joint Programme “Promoting Productive Employment and Decent Work for Women in Egypt, Jordan and Palestine” (Work4Women) generously funded by the Government of Sweden and the Swedish International Development Agency. The identified good practices encompass a wide range of themes including: elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work, investment in both paid and unpaid care work, private sector engagement for gender equality, and promotion of pay equity. It also aims to provide actionable recommendations for future programme development informed by the JP’s achievements and challenges. A companion brief has been developed providing a summary of selected good practices that promote gender equality and women's empowerment, highlighting their effectiveness, challenges, and potential for replication and scalability.