Gender Analysis of the Contribution of Labour Utilisation to Improved Living Standards: A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis in Light of the New Development Model Recommendations

Morocco’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, through its Department of Financial Studies and Forecasting (DEPF) in partnership with UN Women Morocco and with the support of the French Development Agency (AFD) and the European Union (EU), has conducted a new study on "Gender Analysis of the Contribution of Labour Utilization to Improved Living Standards: A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis in Light of the Recommendations of the New Development Model”.
The study carried out by the DEPF aims at understanding the potential gains, in terms of improved living standards, to be obtained by raising female labor force participation (FLFP) as targeted by the New Development Model (NMD), i.e. an ambitious level of 45% by 2035 compared to 19.9% in 2020.