Press Release: UN Women and CARE International launch exhibition showcasing positive fatherhood in Lebanon

(Beirut, Lebanon) – On 21 June, the launch of the photography exhibition ‘Through My Father’s Eyes’, organized by CARE International and UN Women, brought together professional and amateur photographers from Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, to mark Fathers’ Day.
The exhibition, which will be on display until 30 June when it will start touring around Lebanon, showcases inspiring photographs that capture positive images of fatherhood, with each picture revealing a remarkable story of fatherhood and family life. The public launch, which was attended by around 120 guests, took place in Gemmayzeh district, Beirut.
The exhibition follows a CARE International project in Beirut and Tripoli engaging men in positive notions of fatherhood, including discussion groups and photography training conducted by the Beirut Center of Photography, as part of the UN Women regional programme ‘Men and Women for Gender Equality’ funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

“Prior to the training I felt ashamed to push my daughter’s stroller in streets because people used to tell me to ‘man-up’. Now I don’t feel that this negatively affect my manhood anymore, on the contrary, I feel closer to my family”-says Nourman Essam from Iraq who participated in the training.
Carol Sherman, Country Director of CARE International in Lebanon, said: "It's amazing to see the photography of fathers CARE has worked with on display here this evening - and that some of them could be here tonight as well. It's really special to get an insight into their family lives."

“Just looking this evening at the photographs these fathers have taken, we can see how engaged they have become with their families. Many of their stories tell us how the project encouraged them to communicate more positively with their wives and children.” Said H.E. Jörgen Lindström, Ambassador of Sweden in Lebanon'

Key findings of the 2017 International Men and Gender Equality survey (IMAGES MENA) Lebanon, conducted by UN Women and Promundo with local research partners, indicates that children prosper when their fathers take an active role in their childhood. Children who grow up in a household where there is gender equality and where fathers are engaged are more likely to become caring themselves.
“IMAGES MENA showed us that not only does engaged fatherhood help children thrive, it especially supports women and girls to achieve their full potential. UN Women support women’s organizations to empower women and girls, and we believe that gender equality cannot be achieved without the involvement of men and boys,” said Begoña Lasagabaster, UN Women’s Special Representative of the Regional Director for Arab States in Lebanon.

As part of the programme, CARE has engaged men and adolescent boys in dialogues to discuss their role and responsibility as fathers, brothers, husbands, and potential husbands to promote gender equality, child protection and behaviours that cause or prevent harm.
A story of change by a trained father:
“This is my photo with my children. I want to be positively engaged in my children’s lives and participate in domestic work, to be a good example of fatherhood for them” says Khaled Khedr from Tripoli #Lebanon #Becaus_Iam_a_man #imagesmena
— UN Women Arabic (@unwomenarabic) June 21, 2018
TONIGHT: CARE, @UNwomenarabic and @BCPLebanon present the launch of ‘Through my Father’s Eyes’ exhibition at BCP, Beirut.
— CARE Syria Response (@CARESyriaResp) June 21, 2018
This exhibition documents how fathers like Khaled, below, have learned about #positivefatherhood. Find out more: #Because_Iama_man

Information for Media:
The exhibition will be open to the public until 30 June (the gallery is open from 11:00 am until 7:00 pm Tuesday - Saturday). CARE International will then tour the exhibition around Lebanon.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Roula Rached, UN Women. Email: [ Click to reveal ], Tel: +913743110
Emily Wight, CARE International. Email: [ Click to reveal ], Tel: +961 76517903 (on Friday 22 June)
Joelle Bassoul, CARE International. Email: [ Click to reveal ], Tel: + 961 -79177440 (on Friday 22 June)
Olga Ege, CARE International. Email: Tel: +961 79 100 490 (from Monday 25 – Friday 29 June)
Read the Arabic version of the press release here.